Monday, February 28, 2011

What's The Best Way To Huff

br ... cold, cold!

Brr ... rinforziamoci with tea.

Tea Col d'Antico

Add a spoonful of tea seeds of cardamom slightly flattened, a small piece of cinnamon, clove, orange peel and a (no albedo), water just came to a boil and leave covered for a few minutes.

should not be afraid that the tea is too exciting, contains far less caffeine than coffee.

Green tea is the lightest and is rich in flavonoids that combat aging and strengthens the capillary blood vessels.

Black tea has digestive properties and purifying it is anticiccia!

tea as used in Kashmir to keep warm:
very dark and reinforced with pepper and cinnamon.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Masterbation Onlin Vidios

Clean Brenta

Together with fishermen and hunters today, 27 February, the Centre also responded to the call and filled a bit 'bags of garbage along the Brenta. Thank you for the beautiful experiences.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Blue Tooth Marble Mouse


fennel I have a strange vegetables, fall into two people:
who loves them in every way and who do not like them cooked.

cured as well as with vinaigrette can be made into salad or use in place of the fruit.

A nice crisp salad of finely sliced \u200b\u200bfennel and orange zest and topped with black olives, salt, and pepper.
Or just flavored with caraway or coriander seeds bruised, and a tablespoon of olive oil in which the salt is emulsified.

Then there are the cooked fennel.
Most people know them only boiled or steamed, and some do not like it, but
who tried the fennel in a pan with milk can not help but love them!

Cut the fennel into quarters and put them in a pan with butter, cover and
, low heat, turning occasionally become brown.
At this point they are salted lightly, cover flush with the milk, add a bit 'of salt and some grated nutmeg.
is still cooking, first covered and then uncovered.
Towards the end of cooking, when almost all the milk has curdled or evaporated
sprinkle with grated cheese,
the pan is covered and continues for a few minutes gremolata.

Very winter and soooo good!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How Much Is It To Engrave Something

Dialogues paper

Someone at Camp, looks forward to a dialogue between the Left and Ecology Freedom and the Democratic Party, someone else thinks of better times to return it, others do not think at all. While waiting for the clouds
diradino or, conversely, increasingly thicken, let's understand what we mean by dialogue. " Is the formal act of sitting at the same table to bargain and negotiate? Or is it the result of a process sharing of ideas and choices, general and particular? To us it seems the most appropriate way to interpret the issue: a dialogue that is not designed to get (on the one hand positions, on the other guarantees) but to share (values \u200b\u200band perspectives).
It turns out, however, that it is precisely the way most inaccessible and impractical. Why? For entanglements and obstacles in terms of sharing those interposed captiously than dialogue, as we said, we do not think at all and are determined to avert it: the "far left" of Sel, as some maliciously branded with the likes awkward purpose to discredit us, it is good that it remains safe and all'angolino. Apparently for them the priority is not the health of the city center.
The real trouble is that the Democratic Party, to date, has not yet decided whether to open a season of renewal for fields or continue to get by without method, at the mercy of improvisation and the conservative forces inside the majority, I pay to stay, to name but not actually at the helm of the city. In addition, continue to praise the skills of those who managed to bring the government of the city center, as you continue to binge in some quarters all'autoreferenzialismo voted, it means creating a disturbing previous sufficient condition for the future skipper of the center, If anything, there will be one, will be to "know how to win," no matter how and with whom. It seems to me that this is not politics but simple logistics.
guidance navigation, in addition, you are unable to plan long-flung operations that take root and sintonizzino with the thinking of a community: it is intended to be perceived as more and more people complain, as distant and closed.
the organizational restructuring of the Foundation of the City Paper offers the latest example of how this policy is guided by the municipal administration "unless we are, we are better": the choices seem to be more a projection of the desires of the few, rather than be the result of a general will and higher needs. Shared more choices and participate in, usually, are more robust and durable and, above all, and elevated the administrative action of a majority, although not all its members are ready to sign, it says "center."
is time for the Democratic Party reoriented its political conduct, will encourage the administration to enable the best resources likely to start a real season of renewal, until now invisible, to Fields. But most importantly it is time that we start writing a new page, less ambiguous and dark, the center room.

Emanuele Act

by Campintesta , November 2010

Why The Scorpio Man Does Not Call

There is a "thing" that is radically changed ...

There is a "thing" that is radically changed, in terms of political and administrative in the past 10 or 15 years: the delegation of Culture . Or rather, the political-administrative delegation of Culture. In any context, not so very long ago, was a mere sop to any counselor. Then, almost suddenly, it changed the Salento, which has become the land where ... "tuttu is culture", to put it as a shrewd and ironic songwriter popular Tuglie, Mino De Santis.
It is no coincidence that in recent years mayors of cities such as small villages, have decided to keep to himself so much despised by proxy. Perhaps preferable to other more "technical" and "management". The culture has become a "carrier" of popularity, media appearances, and consensus and, consequently, resources. Many more than in the past. It is certainly not a bad thing. "Investing in Culture in times of crisis is strategic because it contains the antidote to the culture of the same crisis," said regional president Nichi Vendola presenting projects related to movies and music. How to blame him.
But what is hard to change the management political culture. They borrowed and events, they were born too bright ideas, much has been done well on a number of councilors and politicians. Yet what has not been able to do, or did not want, and leave management. It has not been able to create jobs, grow professionally, to "leave it" events, exhibitions and so on, to form competent professionals, who work for the event, for that review, indipententemente by mayors and councilors, surge humoral or political constraints. Dramatically increasing (thank goodness), the "weight" of the political delegation has marred, unfortunately, not just the political management of Culture.
the eve of a "politically troubled, limping and panting," City Paper ", the thought can not go to the Culture and the city's preparations for an event that is hard to become what it should.
An appointment is not only the number of visits, or a confused bazaar publishers and banquet every year they go away dissatisfied, or, again, a window and bridge for politicians and warlords who, Culture, and know only delegated tasks, the spotlight and some favor.

Dario Quarta - director Campintesta

by Campintesta , November 2010

Herpes Symptoms Stomach Ache Back Pain

Hospital. What future? Interview with Dr. Francis Sanapo Health Director-Lecce ASL

1. Dr. Sanapo, until a few months ago there was talk of relaunching Hospital Fields, today we speak of conversion. What is the actual situation? What were the reasons that forced the Puglia region with a change of direction?
The Local Implementation Plan (LAP) of the ASL Lecce, prepared in accordance with the dictates of Regional Law No 8.23, predicted in the programming of the hospital network, the field hospital as a hospital base, ie a hospital with four operating units of hospitalization (Medicine, Surgery, Orthopaedics and Obstetrics) in addition to hospital services without beds (medical direction, radiology, laboratory, pharmacy, emergency, cardiology, administration, dialysis and day nursery). This programming was then cleared by the technical area. This was the will of the Department of ASL and the Regional Government of Lecce.
In the spring of 2010 the National Government took over in the economic accounts of the Puglia Region (and many other regions, including the Liguria) an infringement on the Stability Pact, as determined by the slippage of health spending, although the general budget in balance. As a result of the infringement, the Economy Ministry has activated the negotiating table in order to implement The Plan of Return. " This plan for Puglia, barred from the Ministry, includes a series of measures (hiring freeze and tournover staff, reduction in pharmaceutical expenditure, increased regional taxation, etc. ..), including the decommissioning of small hospitals and the overall reduction of about 2,000 shelter beds. In our district hospitals have been identified as "small", according to the flow of information ministers, those of Gagliano del Capo, Poggiardo, Jerseys, Nardo, San Cesario and Fields.
The ministerial requirements, if deviating from the Puglia region, providing a penalty of € 500 million of non-transfer of state funds the Region. Faced with such a penalty, which puts the knee in regional health systems, the regional government no choice but to accept the repayment plan imposed.

2. It is claimed that during the first five years of government Vendola the situation has worsened hospital fields. Can you explain how you characterize the current structure of hospital work field (facilities, beds, wards, etc..) Compliance with the provisions of the Plan of Reorganization Lease?
I think that on issues of public health can not be made political tool: the field hospital was, in fact, deactivated by the Plan of Reorganization Hospital 2002. Vendola the government, pending the new regional planning, we have to respect what this reorganization included, still in force: 28 beds for long-term care medicine with 12, 15 places and 10 psychiatrist of the day surgery surgery. These beds and related services Vendola the government has created a service with beds for the treatment of immune-mediated diseases (IMID). We can not say it's worse. Unfortunately it must be said that the current minister for regional affairs, author of the plan in 2002 that the hospital has reduced the field hospital, today, together with colleagues of Economy and Health, is forcing the government to review what Vendola scheduled for the enhancement Hospital, decreed the definitive closure.

3. Based on the recovery plan launched by the Health Region of Puglia, which is expected the new offer health care in the province of Lecce and how they characterize the new hospital network?
The repayment plan, imposed by Berlusconi's government to the Puglia Region, provides that for the public hospital network in the province of Lecce, the total reduction of 195 beds, the survival of six hospitals (Fazzi, Cupertino, Galatina, Gallipoli, Casarano and Scorrano) transformation in the health care of 3 Regional Hospitals by 12/31/2010 (Gagliano del Capo, Poggiardo and sweaters), other 2 Hospitals by 12/31/2012 (Fields and Nardo) and the transformation from hospital to hospital for acute rehabilitation hospital in San Cesario.

4. Because waiting times for specialized investigations are still so long? And what you're thinking of doing to reduce the problem?
Waiting times for health services feature all universalistic health systems: in America, Switzerland and other countries, a type of insurance benefit system (if your income is charged), this problem does not exist. In those systems who can pay, others make do.
Vendola Despite this, the government is making two important reforms to the system. The first requires the publication of the diaries of booking. Previously there was no waiting time for the simple reason that the diaries were not known. The second, creating a task force, headed by Professor Carella, with the task of reforming the entire system by creating a network of all the CUP (Central Booking One) of the region, the integration of the booking agreement with those studies public, the reform of the system of private providers, the reform of professional activity (ALPS) for the medical staff of the Regional Health System. Unfortunately, this reform is extremely complex, which tends to break a historically established mechanism, which sees citizens weak-performing in relation to access to health services and providers in a position of strength, he needs time to show off. Not escape anyone that the resistance of the system are very strong. These days are strong arguments, protests and affiliated medical staff, the change in place. It 's a battle we must win for a health system more equitable for all.

5. We talk about the transformation of the field hospital located in "House of Health". What will be the time for implementing such a choice? What is the House of Health and what activities take place?
The Plan of Return, which the transformation of the hospital field, it must be lived by the whole of the District as an opportunity rather than a shortage of supply health. Today in the territory of which Fields is reference, there is a paradox: on the one hand, a hospital in name only and that absorbs very considerable resources, the other a district that provides a low, messy and expensive care planning.
If the hospital turns into a House of Health (Presidio better to call health authorities) are likely to have a container that can satisfy all the demands of health that do not require hospitalization. The Presidio
territorial health (or House of Health) was standardized and characterized by the then Turkish Minister and provides a point of Early Intervention, a Specialized Clinic can perform as a whole and functional performance that today require hospitalization improper (diabetes, heart failure, chronic bronchitis, of 'hypertension and all other chronic diseases), outpatient surgery, dialysis, radiology, pharmaceutical services, medical assistance, family counseling, medical group of family doctors and pediatricians, all activities of the Center for Mental Health, Department Prevention, the Department for addiction and Rehabilitation Department, services for the integration social care, in addition to administrative tasks.
short: modern medicine, dropped from a nineteenth-century vision "ospedalocentrica", which prevents and cures disease in the territory more effectively. The timing of completion will certainly be short for the simple reason that it is not necessary to make significant investments in a structure that already exists and has all the requirements, including the human resources already present (doctors, nurses and technical and administrative staff) and in the current hospital in the district.

by Campintesta , November 2010

Lighter Fluid Handwarmers

a party "other" activities and

The process of setting up Left Ecology Freedom, which is presenting unexpectedly long and, at times and in some ways, exhausting itself as the fundamental issue of the need, or at least utility, a new political entity, or as someone seeks to make clear, the subject of a new political .
really need another party? Everyone, even the most "politically naive", I know the answer, but there are deep reasons that go beyond the common thinking and pushing strongly towards this process. This is the (re) construction of a force of authentically left that is directed primarily to two crucial objectives: an unconditional rooted in reality and a significant and vital contribution to building a cultural and political alternative to Berlusconi.
So we must first read properly and in a meaningful way the current situation and begin to imagine the most appropriate solutions, to solve the problems here and now and from citizens, who by dint of
delegate parties, and especially their leaders, has lost its sense, even the most trivial of politics. So a modern party must be able to bring the people, must learn to listen, to be direct participation of its needs, its hardships and produce therefore a valid and feasible political project.
To achieve this we need to think about different methods and practices, policies, should encourage new habits,
politically virtuous, which usually give the name of "active citizenship", "participation". In this sense, for example, the experiment of Patent Nichi no longer only a fruitful proposal for the exclusive electoral propaganda purposes, but a real permanent political laboratory, a place where open discussion of the traditional policy, now in the collapse is unstructured, assuming new forms of organization and involvement, where politics is manifested and expressed materially as genuine political feeling, giving back to the citizen the right to speak, the legitimacy of the political initiative. Only within a framework that can be transformed include concrete, therefore the formation of another political party, willing to continuously implement these moments of confrontation and encourage real exercise of democracy as a key instrument of a progressive and indispensable political emancipation. On this basis, then you can build a strong alternative political project, which does not give up to criticism and will provide a common path to other forces, but not limited to conceive nell'antiberlusconismo the only reason driving.

Pierpaolo Warriors

by Campintesta , November 2010

Home Makeover Contest 2010

... productive? Searching

Fields is a town where commercial activities are an important part of the economic fabric. Although during this period of crisis, some businesses have had to say enough is enough, most of the traders, with a great spirit of selflessness, he persevered and is still resisting to finally seek a way out from this Parasiliti purchases.
Doing business in itself is not an easy thing, especially at times when blacks like we are going through, let alone when municipalities do not "help", do not give attention to the needs of a trader.
No intervention was done in this period to try to support and / or enhance the business, no initiative has been promoted to animate these activities, no opportunity has been created. Yet
would take very little.
should, for example, to develop initiatives to promote economic activity through a series of actions aimed at integrating trade with development of tourism and cultural activities. You tell me that Fields is not a tourist town and perhaps I might agree but for cultural activities if they are all right (except that you prefer locations far from the country rather than articulate them in a well-structured).
In recent years we have wanted to give a new look to enhance the historic center of the country, the remaking of the square is the symbol of this action. The square has become the center of attraction for organizing demonstrations and events that end in themselves but are in fact far from the action of development that should take a careful policy of the territory.
There are actually two major centers of commercial establishment in the country: the Villa Comunale Via Taranto, places that have now become attractive in the imaginary side of this administration. There is a beautiful and spacious public garden, with lots of green and enough space to accommodate any type of event, but is almost never taken into consideration, there is the space behind the building of primary schools, which together with Via Taranto could become one of the places where organizing efforts of "entertainment shopping" and a host of other activities (markets, fairs) revitalization of the urban context. Greenhouses of St. Elias, suggestive of charity, let's leave them to private initiatives!
Enrichment offers of this kind would be to make the city livelier than to increase the local sales service and give more opportunities for development activities economic.
A good support to all of this could also arrive from the Foundation's City Paper (when they finally understand what his job) but mainly from the Fair (whose president is showing "can do") that Alderman may arrange with the branch lines and adopt common policy aimed at enhancing the local area.
The aim would be to promote, through specific initiatives, a circuit of culture, local products, trade, tradition, tourism and entertainment.

Crucifix Act

by Campintesta , November 2010

Gmc Snowmobiling Helmets

eco-car field to Salento! In

In recent years, car registrations in Italy bifuel (petrol / LPG and petrol / methane) have been substantially increased, so as to reach in 2009 record level of 21.7% of the market. Until 2004 the percentage of clean cars sold in the Bel Paese not exceeding 1% ¬ rava and the following years the growth was not exciting at all: in 2005, +1.08%, +1.17% in 2006. Only in 2009, in fact, deliveries of LPG and CNG cars are growing by 357% and 61.5% over the previous year. These data are largely the result of the massive campaign to encourage implementation by the government and local authorities in order to raise awareness among drivers using cars with low environmental impact, but also stems from the increased availability of ecological models by the car manufacturers , enlargement - even the content - the network of distributors, and by the growing attention of motorists to the economic and environmental benefits resulting from the use of such cars.
Compared to traditional gasoline and diesel, in fact, LPG and CNG fuels are cheaper. In particular, for the same mileage, the use of methane saves up to 65% compared to gasoline and up to 45% compared to diesel fuel, while LPG can save up to 50% compared to gasoline and up to 30% compared to a diesel engine. Not negligible are also economic benefits from lower vehicle operating costs due to elongation of the intervals that the use of these fuels can be obtained.
Extremely interesting are also beneficial for the environment. For their characteristics, natural gas and LPG are considered the cleanest fuel among those currently in use. In methane, in fact, as well as in GPL, are completely absent substances such as benzene, lead, particulate matter, sulfur compounds and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, known carcinogens. Natural-gas engines also produce up to 80% fewer compound promoters of ozone (irritant to eyes and respiratory tract ¬ operators) and produces 21% less CO2 emissions compared to gasoline engines (- 10 % with LPG) and 11% less CO2 emissions than a diesel engine.
After observing the data, of course one wonders what are the reasons why the gasoline and diesel powered cars are still almost all (95%) of the Italian fleet. The main reason is surely represented by the presence of a network of LPG and CNG is not yet widespread, particularly as regards the latter (currently open only 756 of methane in plants across Italy, as against over 2500 distributors of GPL). The other reasons are also detectable in the reduced autonomy of gas cars, primarily those of methane (often overlooked), and in my opinion, in the prejudices that still exist on the safety and performance of the same.
In conclusion, notwithstanding the need for a strong and significant increase of the distribution of alternative fuels, it is imperative for increased and continued attention by all to environmental issues and sustainable mobility. The institutions in the first place must be the engine of change and the Municipality of Salento Fields can no longer avoid the use of vehicles with low environmental impact. There is no excuse: distributor of natural gas is located 4 kms from the city and several distributors of LPG are at a similar distance. The distances covered by municipal vehicles are not likely to create problems for autonomy. In addition, the savings achievable with alternative fuels is substantial and would allow funds of the City to breathe a small breath of fresh air (even healthy for our lungs). Unfortunately, so far you do not see signs of change in this regard. Quite the contrary. Our managers love the traditions and therefore the end of 2009 spend about € 13,700 to add to 18 vehicles existing (all strictly gasoline or diesel fuel and some of which are also obsolete) a brand new Fiat Punto Evo 1.4 petrol, in the face of ecology and saving!

Cristian Urbano

by Campintesta , November 2010

Where To Find Senior Week Houses

Council. Meeting with Tania Soon, Councillor SEL

We met Tania Preste , city councilor was elected SinistraEcologiaLibertà Campintesta. We have addressed three questions that can summarize his political experience.

1. E 'spent over a year since the last local elections SEL which led to an important result: your election as alderman. Even if you have traveled in the past, always following the political path, but this is your first institutional experience. You could take stock of this new adventure lived inside?
track budgets is never easy, especially when the feelings and considerations often differ in terms of positive or negative evaluation. In fact, while this is the positive side, the institutional mechanisms to be internal forces me to confront issues unknown to me, to recognize the existence of constraints (mostly economic in nature) that limit the administrative action and, therefore, to speculate more concrete for a different policy fields, and second, I can see that, despite the attempt to always be proactive and use the maximum institutional gracefully, suggestions and comments which I speak are faced with a political culture who increasingly loses its democratic connotations. The vote, in our country is exchanged for a warrant for the white majority ...

2. The list "Campintesta" of which you were the candidate for mayor, has presented the public with an adjective clear simple and direct: NEW, because you were all the faces and "heads" on the new politics of the country. What were your proposals brought to the Board City? And what results have you had?
Our origin policy, our different paths had a common denominator: the idea of \u200b\u200bpolitics as a tool to enhance the rights of citizenship and as a means of emancipation from want and precarious existence, that you must add our desire to fielding a new ethics policy. Reasons why we proposed the establishment of registers for civil unions and living wills, employment guarantees for workers asked the nursery. In terms of the moralization of politics, we called for the establishment of the Registry of elected public (where there are initiatives and income, monetary or otherwise, of policy) and we requested clarification regarding the management of the Foundation "City of the book." Wins can not register ... The climate that reigns in the classroom right to counsel has wrecked any proposal advanced progressive, while the public register of the elect is blocked at the council committee for months now ...

3. Looking at the national situation one has the impression that the greatest strength of the center-left Democratic Party, has not yet taken a unique path with respect to many important issues: bioethics, political, labor, environment ... The new party Vendola, SinistraEcologiaLibertà, seems to be clear not only the path but also an objective. What is the relationship between the two parties at the local level?
Despite the statements of various leaders of the Democratic Party about the need for dialogue and cooperation between the forces left the city, the policy pursued by their party and the administration which, lest we forget, is headed by one of its members, the proof of facts, proves to be totally closed to our demands and unable to understand the desire for renewal that Campintesta, but also represent SEL. Any attempt to dialogue with us that takes the form of proposals for appointments and policies is bound to fail.

by Campintesta , November 2010

Labeled Sketch Of The Motorbike

Fermoimmagine left

25 and 26 September last year our Freedom Square was filled with lights, sounds, images, and above all it is dyed red, red on the left, right at the first party Left Ecology and Freedom, organized by the club fields. Two full days, featuring a full program of events, in which important issues were addressed by using different forms of communication, or the debates, screening of films and photographic exhibitions: all this made possible thanks to the contribution given by all businesses of the country it is my biggest thanks. The stage
hosted politicians in office in the government of the Puglia Region and not, you are confronted on important issues such as labor, environment, democracy. He spoke especially of the left in our country, its current role and what might be possible in a government after the next election. Exchanges of ideas and opinions with the participation of many people also arrived from neighboring countries.
Reflection on some topics discussed during the debate continued with the screening of the film "Draquila" by Sabina Guzzanti, describing what it was really an earthquake Aquila and what was the post-earthquake, a reality that unfortunately there is been revealed, told with hypocrisy and deceit. The stage was surrounded by market stalls and the Emergency of Fair Trade products that have donated bags of brightly-colored woven crafts from Latin America and the scents of herbs and teas that have captured people's interest that while sipping a glass of Negroamaro, scrutinizing photos of the two exhibitions, "WorkingRom" and "Water is ...." The festival ended Sunday with a concert of rhinoplasty, a tribute band Rino Gaetano: playful sounds that accompanied the poems of the singer, who spoke to the people of the people, poems that describe all different characters. Songs written more than twenty years ago, but still present, that reveal the plight of people, but despite all the adversity they continue to hope in the infinite sky more blue. "
The appointment is with you all next year hoping to have already left government to lead the country.

SEL fields Salentina

by Campintesta , November 2010

Jeans Wrangler Walmart

The Berlusconi has thrown the last mask

Berlusconism is in an advanced state of autodisfacimento. The blanket that held him together is now torn in several places and could seriously tearing along a large part of Italian society. The Berlusconi is in fact a political-cultural-business, in which these issues are related to each other and function. The time has once again been honest and Berlusconi, for years challenged the facts, he could no longer hide his face. Parliament, blackmailed and deprived of its most noble function, had to deal almost exclusively to ratify laws, made in other contexts, they had the sole purpose of putting some away from his legal problems inspiration (while virtually all categories face serious social difficulties). To do this, a deal villain, but obviously indispensable, was close with the League that beyond proclamations, meant to leave the southern Italy, after the same had been decisive, however, in light of national solidarity to achieve its high standards of welfare and infrastructure. Eloquent examples are the use of funds transferred to the south to buy ferry boats to Lake Garda or to pay fines of milk quotas. Berlusconi is also the worship of the image, at all costs, it is barbarism of communication, is thought of commodification and the mercenary, the hallway to the girls who would not marry wealthy gentlemen! It is demeaning of women to a mere object of pleasure. It is also the culture of blackmail attempt against the Catholic Church with the investigation Boffo and gay priests, the idea behind these mass media campaigns is that if everyone is guilty, then no one can stand as a moral judge. Who allowed this to spread unimpeded, however, in Italian society was primarily a weak Parliament as blackmail. Blackmail because the candidates are chosen by party secretaries and not by the citizens (who have had to resign in a sterile symbol rate), and 88 for ladies are involved in trouble with the law (of which 25 convicted), this is a rate of more than 9% of all parliamentarians. But in Italian society is not, fortunately, such a high percentage of dishonest people (other than representation). The Berlusconi could end up with a movement of social rejection and for a strong and authoritative parliamentary opposition. Instead it is finished because it is imploded. Tests are the inexorable decline of his consent and tearing of Fini with the birth of the new party "Freedom and Future." The Government and its majority now are governed primarily by the aforementioned agreement with the League, more and more essential and decisive. This, among other things, continues to allow that at the time of this writing, have gone 139 days without a "Minister for Economic Development," in the middle of one of the most serious economic crisis since the war and with an interim body with a conflict of interest that would be really embarrassing (the media fall into this ministry ...). So if Berlusconi will also fall under this covenant, in Italy there will be plenty to gain. Federalism which supports the League in fact, is clearly a negative value, said Cardinal Bagnasco, not bringing the nation toward greater unity, but to its disintegration. The hope is that eventually exceeded the logic of power and blackmail, and politics is really lived as a service, a program of things to do for the citizens. In 1958 Don Sturzo so he addressed his friends: "Only the brave, pure, unselfish, fighting openly for freedom and morality is reserved for the future (...). Must know how to defend the right of honest and democratic means to achieve compliance, we must seek harmony with the spirits of those who have proven in the past and present to be with clean hands, and want only the good of the people in freedom, law in administrative and political righteousness, to get the necessary consents. We need a country that no longer has need of heroes who were murdered simply because they wanted the common good. Heroes like Renata Fonte (Councillor Nardò killed for opposing the overbuilding of Porto Selvaggio) Angelo Vassallo and as mayor of Pollica. One risk is that, since reality is so impaired, people prefer the reassuring story that it is administered by the trust TG. He feels the refurbished historical relevance of the appeal of Don Sturzo "all free men and strong, that in this grave hour high feel the duty to cooperate in the supreme of the country, without prejudice or bias, we call it joined together advocate in their entirety the ideals of justice and freedom 'to those who, today, we might add, are found in the values \u200b\u200bof our Constitution to achieve their potential in a mature democracy and, finally, in a normal country.

Fabrizio Chiriatti

by Campintesta , November 2010

Baking Substitute Coconut Oil Butter

pollution global plague of our century, has led to greater attention to environmental issues and a more wide awareness of the importance of many of our daily actions.
The problem of waste management occupies a large slice of this pie, thus becoming a growing problem: the consumption growth and urbanization have done nothing but rise to the generation of waste and reduce the areas uninhabited when handling and depositing. The use of landfill (or incineration), and then large areas of territory, but the solution is not desirable nor optimal. For this reason, the collection plays an important role to reduce our impact on the environment. The collection
is a collection of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), which, for each type of waste, a first selection from the people.
Going into local microcosm, according to data of the Puglia Region, the percentage of recycling in fields Salentina sleep for at least two years of a deep sleep at around 9% . Whereas The new legislation includes an obligation to reach 65% by 2012, if the math is not subjective, lacking only 54%.
Dear citizens, no fear! A Field Salentina if you are not aware, awareness on recycling travels on stray sheets bear the signature of the Chairman and the CEO of the company - Public Environmental spa, - that which deals with the municipal solid waste collection.
The current local government planning guidelines in the distant 2008 included an increase of the percentage of recycling through a system of "door to door" more stringent, to reach an objective final: the total elimination of the bins. Unfortunately, however, has now been a year and a half from that mere campaign ad, not believing more time to the magic formulas, may satisfy himself that the bins are not only still exist, but sometimes turn into veritable micro open dumps.
complex environmental problem that unfortunately we are living has always been at the center of debates, discussions, round tables, workshops, seminars, because it has been a key issue around which the disparate initiatives, but it seems that in Campi Salentina follow each other administrations who live, probably in an enchanted world where the problem of waste and environmental protection in general does not exist.
We assume that the current doorstep collection is insufficient, but also lack of proper information and citizen awareness of the need . This proves once again that blessed percentage that despite the collection of paper and plastic, just none of it to fly high! Importance here is the role of City Councillor and in particular the environment, which should implement far-reaching environmental policies. To achieve this noble objective, the solution is easier than it looks. In light of the last Council resolution on extending the contract to SpA until 31/12 or until further notice, the collection of waste in fields continue to be managed as it has been until now, we are then forced to close reluctantly in a drawer the chimera of "Handler Only", an important step toward a serious environmental policy . But it is only a step. While waiting to get there one day, nobody stops us from trying to walk alone, but going in the right direction.
The desire to start a curbside collection for all types of waste for recycling (paper, plastic, glass, aluminum, composites) and to invest in campaigns information and awareness that can lead citizens to understand the importance and convenience, is not purely bureaucratic impediments in tangles, but is the result of persistent administrative actions in the service of their city. Other countries in the 'ATO / 1 (which is part of Fields), the sole manager or not, have already launched some time this type of collection with remarkable results and also with large economic benefits for all, while we citizens still seems to Fields a mirage.

Carla Pagliara and Cristian Tafuro

by Campintesta , November 2010

Magellan Roadmatevoices

Science slow performance, ethics and politics

The most important merit of science is familiar to all: the scientific knowledge give us the means to carry all sorts of things. Scientific knowledge, however, does not contain instructions on how to use it.
History teaches us that the great scientific discoveries have often been manipulated for political ends. One example is the story of Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937).
Marconi is dedicated to the project in the '30s the "death ray", a powerful weapon capable of transferring multiple streams of energy (presumably magnetic) on different targets, so you can literally stop car engines, motorcycles and trucks, or fire remote controlled devices more than two hundred feet high.
Assailed by a desire for a humanitarian nature, Marconi decided not to reveal his discovery and one of his manuscripts are found in the following statements: "My inventions are used to save humanity, not destroy it."
Today more than ever, a company time to progress, development and prosperity, the men of science have a delicate role: the decisions they take may in fact have serious consequences on the lives of every day.
For these reasons, the obvious distinction between science and politics should not imply lack of communication between the two but, in a virtuous perspective, ensure the box. Only in this way all the interests, especially public, would be taken into due consideration, thus helping to improve the quality of life on this earth.

Aurora Pepino

by Campintesta , November 2010

Old Seven Seas Italian Dressing

Oltrecampi. Interview with Maria Rosaria Centonze

was the early eighties when Maria Rosaria Centonze, born in 1960, took its first steps on the rectangles Tennis Club to play Monticano Fields Salento. Soon, delighting in several local tournaments, encouraging results obtained, it begins to take the game a bit 'more seriously and train more consistently, in 1990 took the title of champion regional championship teams of the Italian Cup.
His insatiable hunger for competitive spirit took her card at the Italian Tennis Federation (FIT) in comparison with other athletes and to grow at a professional level. It began to play on clay, which she called "the cradle of tennis", moving constantly throughout the region.
This was followed by successes in 1994 took the title of Provincial Champion and Regional Champion in the Italian Cup championship teams with the next phase of national recapture the same title in 2004 with the Ass. D. Sports Bellaria, where it is still rationed. But the event that she considers "historic" is twice in the success of last season: in October 2009 confirms the Regional Champion in the team championship, and in February of 2010, still in the team competition, won the Coppa Puglia region, earning, in addition to the attention of local newspapers, also that of the national magazine "The Italian Tennis." We
Campintesta we met on a sunny autumn afternoon to talk over coffee, its successes, tennis and municipalities ...

What do you think about the success of your tennis?
Never give up! Even today I love being competitive, competitive and combative. This gratifies me within and fills me with satisfaction that I repay the commitment that it takes me. But in addition to my stubbornness, I owe so much and I sincerely thank my great friend, Mario Pedone, team captain, as well as Federal Judge, who has stood by me in achieving my success.

In two words: what is it for you tennis?
is pure competition, but at the same time is a sport transparent, clean and elegant that you can practice as a simple moment of relaxation with friends.

What do you think the degree of attention of the municipalities of Fields (past and present) to the tennis and sports in general? I
that the local government, in sport, always have a common denominator: many words and little action. Their lack of interest in sports comes from a total disinformation, as evidenced by my story and I believe they do not know anything! The various advisors to the branch, moreover, entirely hiding among young people, do not live generational issues, while young people run away from the walls of the country. That's exactly what I did years ago, going to Lecce, where sports clubs allow you to practice sport at competitive levels.
yet to have a sports field ... Our Sports Hall is only a monument to the fallen of the sport is not practiced!

Projects for the future?
Experience in a professional new practices such as beach tennis courts: I want to turn my passion for a simple game of beach and spectacular in a regulated sport.

by Campintesta , November 2010

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Chart On The Black Death


Former landfill Masi Rovigo: on with the safety

Grigna. Ok of the provincial government to plan for the characterization of the landfill Masi Rovigo. The former landfill the district, closed since 1996, is constantly monitored with regard to the leakage of leachate, which is recovered in a tank. In May 2007 the same district, the site operator, announced the potential contamination of the area due to the verification of outliers detected by the piezometer monitoring. Since the extension of the upper hectare site, no longer has the power to the City of Grigno, but in the Province, which initiated ITER provided for the exclusion of the risk of pollution. The characterization plan was drawn up by the district in October 2007 and forwarded the City and the JPA, which in February 2008 had a favorable opinion, with certain requirements including the deepening of the origin of the mercury detected. Even the company health services in 2007 gave the go ahead to plan for characterization. The district has also drawn the risk plan, which shows an alarming situation. The Province has recently allocated just under a million euro to cover the landfill. (Mc)