The olive tree (Olea europea ) is an evergreen plant, ultrasecolare with longevity, is part of the family Olacee, grows mainly in the Mediterranean such as Spain, southern France, Italy, Greece, Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Libya, Lebanon, Cyprus, etc., it is also growing in the U.S. especially in California . In Italy it is especially prevalent in Central and Southern, Lazio Puglia, Sicily, Sardinia, Calabria, but is also produced in Liguria and in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Garda. This makes us think that the olive tree do you prefer, with regard to the climatic requirements, and warm temperate climates with abundant rainfall not, and can not stand the sudden drops in temperature, but the interesting point that bears dell'0livo and drought , In fact, when the drought continues for many months, the plant reacts in different methods eg buds cease to grow, the content in the leaves stomata are closed, so by not implementing the process of leaf transpiration, and water from the olives (fruit) is reabsorbed. In this way the plant is able to overcome the long drought unscathed. The soil needs
olives, are small. In general, the olive prefers loose soil or medium-textured, fresh and well drained. Grows well on shallow or coarse soils with outcropping rockiness. Instead suffer in the land subject to stagnation. On the chemical fertility is also suitable for poor soils and reaction away from neutrality (Acid soil and calcareous soil) to tolerate pH values \u200b\u200bof 8.5-9. Among the fruit trees is a species more tolerant to salinity, so it can be cultivated even close to coastlines.