Friday, May 30, 2008

Funny Titles For A 21st Birthday Facebook Event

L '0livo - areas in which it develops. The origins of the olive

The olive tree (Olea europea ) is an evergreen plant, ultrasecolare with longevity, is part of the family Olacee, grows mainly in the Mediterranean such as Spain, southern France, Italy, Greece, Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Libya, Lebanon, Cyprus, etc., it is also growing in the U.S. especially in California . In Italy it is especially prevalent in Central and Southern, Lazio Puglia, Sicily, Sardinia, Calabria, but is also produced in Liguria and in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Garda. This makes us think that the olive tree do you prefer, with regard to the climatic requirements, and warm temperate climates with abundant rainfall not, and can not stand the sudden drops in temperature, but the interesting point that bears dell'0livo and drought , In fact, when the drought continues for many months, the plant reacts in different methods eg buds cease to grow, the content in the leaves stomata are closed, so by not implementing the process of leaf transpiration, and water from the olives (fruit) is reabsorbed. In this way the plant is able to overcome the long drought unscathed. The soil needs
olives, are small. In general, the olive prefers loose soil or medium-textured, fresh and well drained. Grows well on shallow or coarse soils with outcropping rockiness. Instead suffer in the land subject to stagnation. On the chemical fertility is also suitable for poor soils and reaction away from neutrality (Acid soil and calcareous soil) to tolerate pH values \u200b\u200bof 8.5-9. Among the fruit trees is a species more tolerant to salinity, so it can be cultivated even close to coastlines.

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The olive tree has ancient origins of the Neolithic archaeological evidence of the use of olives as food and presence of trees already in the tertiary sector. Olive growing has its origins as far back as the Middle East and then developed around the Mediterranean basin. The earliest mills, found both in Syria and Palestine, date from around 5000 BC The cultivation of olives is certainly attested in archaeological sites dating 3500 BC in the form of large stones and a number of olive wood charcoal, used for fire or building material. Sometimes these remains are found in semi-desert areas where the olive tree could not grow spontaneously, and then witness the first human efforts to diffonderelacoltivazionedell'olivo. A doctor was called Babylon "asu", or "oil expert", the Babylonian Code of Hammurabi regulates the production and trade of olive oil (dated 2500 BC). Around 2300 BC the Egyptians decorated the tombs of the pharaohs with olive branches, symbolizing life and fertility. From archaeological findings in Egypt, we learn that oil is traded before the XIX dynasty. Many people Palestine were the olive-growing, but the most important one that has left the remains of structures, large, for working in the oil, the tribe of the Philistines. In Israel, stone mortars were found, also dated to the fifth millennium BC, in which the olives were reduced to pulp by force of arms, and were also found containers made of olive branches intertwined and overlapping stones, which shape resembles the current rope mats, used for pressing the olive paste ground.
But thanks to the Phoenicians and the Carthaginians, then, that the olive tree arrives in many Mediterranean countries, and also in Italy, the Etruscans had already vast plantations in central and northern Italy, and Rome was born a true oil market and oil, with its empire that circulated between the conquered peoples of the Mediterranean, such as Sardinia.
But the cultivation of olive in Sardinia had its greatest expansion thanks to the English domination, for which they arrive in Sardinia, Palma de Mallorca, fifty masters the art of grafting and pruning of the olive. Each of them taught various pupils, and these in turn to others. With this trick, he made off in a few years oil production in the region (already implemented first by the Romans), up to the present day, leading sector of the economy as a Sarda.

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The olive

The olive tree is one of the most characteristic elements of the Mediterranean. In ancient times it was seen as a symbol of peace, triumph, victory, honor, and his fruit was mainly used for rituals and purification ceremonies, the oil was used as a valuable and useful food.
The oil extracted from olives could be used as food and also as an ointment and as lamp oil, medicine ointments were applied to the body or even taken as true and proper medication.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Culinary Recommendation Letter

The lives - diseases: downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola)

The grapevine downy mildew is caused by Plasmopara viticola, fungus native to North America. Most of the American vines have acquired over the millennia is highly resistant to pest, the European vines are still very subject. At the end of the last century due to blight was serious damage, that would, in many cases the abandonment of the crop. This disease affects all organs of the green plant, the youngest leaves are stained on the various points of the flap (oil spots) on older leaves generates a mosaic of small patches in the lower page and see a white mildew - gray. The worst damage produced by the attacks on the bunches, the berries take on a brown color - reddish and withered. Infections are particularly intense to be expected at the end of very wet winters. An effective cure is a mixture made of copper sulphate and lime, this mixture is called Bordeaux mixture.

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The lives - diseases: Powdery mildew or mildew (Uncinola necatrix)

This disease such as downy mildew, was imported from the Americas. He made his first appearance in English and some greenhouses and then spread rapidly throughout Europe. It occurs on the screws since the time of flushing completely covering the whole feature white film shoots. The mildew on the berries has particularly serious consequences leading to the arrest of the development of the epidermis and the resulting split the berry. As prevention using sulfur, are also products synthesis to combat powdery mildew (citotropici and systemic pesticides).

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The lives - diseases: the gray mold (Botrytis cinerea)

The fungus Botrytis cinerea , head of gray mold on grapes, find the best conditions for its development in the spring, with average temperatures, abundant moisture and prolonged rain. On the leaves of the vine damage consists of brown spots, often covered by the typical gray mold. Towards the end of June the fungus strikes, apparently without causing damage to those parts of the cluster that are in bloom. This period is instead the most dangerous, because, after the grapes in bulk, the fungus inside the cluster will Then, the optimal conditions for growth to result in serious decay. It is believed that infections are possible when the surface of the cluster is covered with a thin layer of water for at least 15 hours.

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Screw - The diseases: the esca (Fomes ignarius)

vine disease caused by a fungus, Fomes ignarius . Infections of this fungus occur from pruning wounds or, more unusually, and probe. The fungus grows in the wood, within the strain, causing browning and cavities. In particularly serious cases, the esca can cause gradual deterioration of dieback on the berries and leaves. Is prevented by making the pruning cuts at an angle so as to avoid the stagnation of rain water making it easier to scroll.