Pollution in Valsugana politicians help us
dic.2009 Monday 15 at the Auditorium of the school center of village, there was a public meeting on issues related to local pollution and diseases presumably related to it.
information and awareness, this is the goal. Seek answers, and understand why the environmental situation in Valsugana has come to such a real cause for concern. A massive turnout around 400 people, including their also members of the various local committees.
The event lasted until late in the first part took place, with an extensive disquisition scientific, well-argued by competent speakers. Three doctors present, with the support of a geochemist and environmental engineer, but also balance that gave shape and substance in the final phase of the various reports. Thanks to Dr. Rigo then, to Dr. Cappelletti, to Dr. Di Carlo, Prof Jobstraibizer, and Dr. Ferrai. To their credit for free information and non-profit people on Environment and Public Health.
In the second part of the evening, the narrow little time left now, the debate is lively, offering ideas for discussion and reflection. In
room also some mayors who, together with representatives of the various committees have their say. There has been talk of 'Steel Mill, appropriate Monte Zaccone, the busy highway 47 that has reached a point of transit daily, up to 45000 vehicles. And then more and more.
Perozzo, Mayor of Castelnuovo, indicates a very likely and perhaps a certain state of political neglect and under-investment in Lower Valsugana concrete, and then we add a series B! I agree and maybe even raise Series C!!
Then the speech by the Mayor of Borgo, Fabio Dalledonne, which I liked not only the words but also the responsible attitude that has taken in public in front of his fellow citizens. The invitation has also done the same Dalledonne has spread to other directors also Valsugana confident in their collaboration. Really good!
now I fear that the measure is full, and that some politicians, trade unions, and administrators , is time to get off the pedestal and give back to the Lower Valsugana their dignity but also the opportunity to exercise his right to preserve the health of those who still love this land and wants to continue living here.
Massimo Boso Grignotezze Observatory.