Thursday, February 25, 2010

Spanish Powerpoint Subjunctive

wake up!

certain things are difficult, but must be done anyway.
Publicly? Publicly, no. So why here? you ask me.
Because here we are virtually living in the green, sitting under the walnut tree and watch the valley, in the
predisposition to communicate in front of the famous coffee Peppina.
are confidential items that you can not pretend to ignore,
as those contained in the letters that end up in a pile of papers, when not in a wastebasket.
I just returned from a quick incursion into your life. Every time I go to see the photos you put on FB, just because I miss you, I miss you very
you know?
And, in general, you end up meeting more and more of what I believe.
This time, however, I was really ill,
your photos I seemed "excessive", as when you were a tantrum to draw attention.
were worse than a punch in the stomach,
and yes we are trying for a while 'to attract attention,
but I did not understand, sorry.

There are times in life where you meet the people or you find yourself in situations where it feels light.
are times when you are happy, laughing, joking, you want to do many things and it is hoped that this happiness will last forever.
Not so,
happiness is that it does not last long,
but has the major advantage of giving peace to the everyday, serenity, design, thickness.
Its brevity gives life a deep sense of joyful expectation.

youth in itself has always been inclined to perpetuate the happiness of the years of innocence, to want as much as possible. The youth of today, then, would want it, as a given, 365 days a year.
You can not, is wrong:
as a light rain gives life to the lawn,
mortify the days of pouring rain and reduce it to a quagmire.
Exit to dance and do crazy sometimes is nice,
but gone are the days when studying or working, regardless of family or others.
out every night, as its sole asset, the search becomes empty.
no longer feel the light heartedness that gives satisfaction
every now and then you run a search through excess, the taste of the life that is lost.
And everything becomes a never ending quest, a quest that leaves more and more empty.
And, unfortunately, is not a painless vacuum, a vacuum that is
from anguish, sorrow, despair.

To a certain extent, reflects the face
the innocence of those who still do not understand what life is, but a matter of
little to lose, too.
Behind every face you can read how "person" there.
And most people read in their faces if it is worthwhile to look for, expect to be able to reach and win the love of a person or ol'amicizia
they should be left to lose because the person is not.
And so it ends up being isolated or ghettoized between such "nothing".
loses his soul, the essence of the person,
is the only true sin in life.
We have one life and a life without soul is a life wasted, wasted.

must be careful when you are young to be reckoned with certain symptoms,
not to neglect the measures to be taken,
for it is in a hurry to empty completely.
When you are happy, you go to sleep happy,
you wake up even more happy,
already with a small project in mind.
But when you sleep all day,
because you do not know what to do,
to pull the evening in which we twists.
There seriously think,
what I'm doing me?

Another litmus test is
look at the pictures taken during those evenings distorted:
not everyone is photogenic and beautiful as paintings, but no one is different from what it really is.
Some photos of incredible clarity, if only in the expressions of the faces: faces Smaghi, with openings behind suspicious
with a weariness in your eyes that contrasts with the performance of smiles the 32-tooth front. Open mouth smiles stupid and misunderstanding rather than in healthy laughter.
And if the faces were not enough to understand the non-persons,
are the poses, clothes.
The analysis should not be consequential only fashionable, but the type of selection.
Good taste in putting together colors and cuts, or pose,
may, for some people, not the best side,
but certainly in others, shows a search to surprise, to show, to convey ambiguous message.
You can be the scion of a worthy family, but if you are a non-person you will ever read him, however, faced with the shoes that bring
(not a criticism of your red shoes, which are beautiful!).
Here I remind you, my love,
that when you feel desperate, and you can not find their way,
should stop, pause for a while
'practices masking, (for the less until you find yourself).
Set aside some acquaintances that, even if they seem to be very cool, have a power
impoverishing and risky.

When you want to sleep not only experience the anguish of "nothing",
do exactly the opposite,
follow the rhythm of light,
come on, give yourself
of goals appropriate for your age,
with people of your age.
if you really want to live no longer stay in the skin,
but do not know what to do to do so in a way that gives you happiness,
test a moment to sort out your actions ,
in your way of being.
listen to those who actually do suffer,
contributes significantly to give meaning to that wonderful day that at times may seem like nothing.
Do this test:
trucks that spend hours in nightclubs with hours of service to others.
know why cancer kills?
After all, cancer cells are primitive cells, very sound, strong,
could be a wonderful source of new life,
but since I am not motivated enough
multiply and to suppress all other cells.
Now I know you get mad very much, for this post,
but I ask you to accept it honestly, without false modesty or touchy,
why I decided to write
only after seeing the myriad of photos, nothing short of daunting, with which advertises
life that led you to abandon his studies
healthy days to sleep or cry.

In your life a little more than three decades
you had difficulty, even bigger than you,
but not a good excuse not to recover.
Work hard to do some 'seriously,
that you have within you everything you need to do it
and do it well.
Coffee break's over,
good day my little flea with a cough.

Why Would A Neonate Need So Many Anti-oxidants?



And tomorrow?

Zankou Chicken Calories Pita

Landfill in Trentino - The TV Al Gore in Valsugana

Friday, February 5, 2010

Zodiac Sign Compatibility

Rosarno, the excuse of racism and the 'Ndrangheta

a fundamental and important article analyzing the recent events in Rosarno. The author and the author of the article shed light on the reasons that triggered the riots in Rosario. The article also serves to make people understand how things work in general, not just in Rosario. I for my part I wrote in my article of the considerations will be born Plants Rose .

Rosarno, the excuse of racism and the 'Ndrangheta - Elisabetta Della Corte and Franco Piperno

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Toyo Tires Vs Nexen Tires

a bit 'of warmth in the chilly February air

Three small and easy recipes, visas and cold season, all involve the use of legumes.
The lentils, which are fat and cholesterol-free alternative to red meat, contain much protein, calcium, magnesium and folic acid. Even iron, but it must be set to consume the same meal for the Kiwis or lemon juice in a bit 'of water.
And last but not least a portion of 100 grams of lentils has only 230 calories!
lentils and nuts

spicchietti Cut to 200 g of onions. Make them dry in a pan with 3 tablespoons of oil.
Chop coarsely 50 g of walnut kernels.
Chop a handful of parsley.
Rinse under hot water already boiled lentils, canned (250 g) and add the onions to the pan, add the walnuts also.
Season with salt and pepper, cook another 5 '.
Chop fresh parsley and scatter them over the lentils before serving with a drizzle of olive oil.

I chickpeas are rich in calcium and iron, very suitable for women of all ages and many also contain salts. Only those suffering from hypertension should consume it moderately, but is a bit 'too early to be careful to pressure, especially if you do much running.
Pasta and chickpeas

cook pasta scratched, even in their entirety, in salted water with a bay leaf.
Drain the pasta, keep a bit 'of water (2 scoops). Meanwhile
Rinse the contents of 1 to 2 cans of chick peas boiled in water. Passaniti to the mixer and diluiscila half, until the density you prefer, with the water of pasta you gave.
Make a mixture with 1 small onion, 1 clove of garlic, a bit 'of rosemary, a bit' foul oregano and sauté in 1 tablespoon oil, along with a hint of chili.
Add to the fried chickpea, chickpeas and whole room, also add the cooked pasta and mix well.
Finally add a handful of chopped parsley and a drizzle of olive oil.
There are fine grain that is the grated pecorino. Last

tasty recipe that does not so much winter

chickpea balls with shrimp

rinse well under hot water 400 g of boiled chickpeas and pass it to the mixer, and add a room zic pepper, also add other spices to taste antifermentanti (fennel seeds, oregano, caraway, cumin seeds, etc.) short one that you .
cove 4 large prawns and cut into 20 pieces.
Heat 1 tablespoon olive oil in a frying pan, sauté 1 clove of garlic cut in half. When the garlic is golden, remove it and pour the oil into small pieces of shrimp. Sala and pepper lightly, cook for 2 minutes, shaking the pan occasionally.
take a big spoonful of the mixture of chick peas. Keep it on a slightly damp hand cable gland and a piece of shrimp in the center, close it and by the regular shape of a ball.
should be about 20 balls.
In a bowl, lightly beat egg white and room. Prepare a plate with breadcrumbs. Heat some oil in a frying pan
Skip the balls before the album, then in bread crumbs and then fry in oil, and plenty of hot, until they are golden brown. Dry them with paper towels

they invented Perfect by the fireplace with the harsh winter, no?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Ftv Male Underwear Show

A minute of silence for the genocide of Duosiciliani

For this post, I had already made a keynote speech in relation to the genocide suffered by Duosiciliani. But when he read an article just half an hour ago, I use this referring to the original page, should be read before you go ahead .

Now, some things that are in there.
It should be remembered - or rather, to know - that the southern migration, and the question we were after "unity" of Italy. Both were created specially by the invading tyrants, and it is not difficult to understand why. The Southern question persists to this day, and it is not true that you've done or are doing something about it. For 150 years it did everything to keep and for worse. And those are just tall stories of the billions and billions of money poured into the south and Sicily. Just make sure it is documented as the sum total as a percentage, most of the money goes to the north, central and north. It is obvious that if 70% of the funding is given to the north and the south 30%, 70% of Industries and factories thrive in the North (The percentages do not own them, just to be clear, but we are there). In addition, the south will pay more taxes as a percentage (eg 35% versus 25% for the figures, the same speech as before). In addition, there is a whole policy of "containment", it makes the South "we do not expand." What factories and industries are having a national circulation as a sale, and sale as conspicuous, and whose headquarters is here and whose owner is from here? Cars, tires, refrigerators, clothing, food - just to name a few - to those who we buy?
Here in the South, the South, and especially in Sicily, money from outside do not have to enter , we just pay them the money.
For 150 years the South is merely a colony that has been implemented and will continue to be applied to colonialism in all its forms, derivations and "progressions". And the southern people lived and live as colonized people.
Once there was the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies and Duosiciliani, now there are just more people to squeeze every last drop and I can not.
Multinationals that do? Implanting the factory where the hand Opera costs less, and here we were in the South and there are so many of these factories and industries, then maybe close, throwing into the street hundreds of families because they have found a cheaper place when implanted.
And there are thousands and thousands of people who went south to work in factories in the North. It is not true that Southerners are lazy. They were and are hard workers, and in addition a good price. According to some people in the North, the economic miracle of the North of the sixties there was only thanks to the south who worked at their service.
Take, for example tourism. Where are the plants tourism, and with good services? With an island or a few acres of snow in other places in a few months They get in abundance throughout the year for the entire country.
is known and is often mentioned that the emigrant has established abroad, and one wonders, so why have you not here, because instead of going there to do what they do, they do here? Yeah, sure, but where? In other places, the South could fail to start, but here it is prevented (can be enough to reject a date request on a required legal authorization, or deny a building permit, etc.).. It is not because they lack the initiative to the people, or this is only abroad. It is not about that. It is here that it makes a certain industry does not open, and if it opens, it causes not boots. How? Just that no one understands him. It is sufficient to oblige local dealers buy from. For those of north-central, no problem, do not buy for themselves. Or do you really think, say, a wholesaler of 10,000 tires make your order in a factory here and whose owner is from here? It will say "But there is the factory that does this." Of course, because no one opens a factory so great knowing that they sell, and if he did, soon closed for lack of orders.
I think we both understand everything you need to understand, but I want to take another example, an unequivocal.
in Taormina was the casino. These days I have heard that must reopen. But meanwhile basiamoci what it was. Why no casino in Taormina? Why would come from outside to bring money, which would increase the "budget" total of Sicily. And then the player goes into a hotel, eat, go to the bar, etc.. On this thing I have questioned saying that then will not authorize bingo halls. It's different. In the game of bingo, the money passed from hand to hand, but in total are always the same, the money of the locals, the Bingo players are not in Catania Siena Pordenone or Malta, and so on.
The speech is much more varied and complex, much heavier, and I can not do well here (it would take thousands of pages), maybe I spoke too , and connoisseur, few words. I live in Sicily, and Sicily is the land that the South pays the price higher , the n so many ways.
Why then, among many other things, look at what happens in Sicily, enter this page, and the link contained in it, even those who had read Danilo Dolci. Of course, the land will not be were their own, but I do not think it is a crime to try to create a vacant lot.
Thing, "the mafia"? Do not remember reading that Sweets has been arrested by the Mafia or that they were to hurl the anathema against him.
The Mafia? As I wrote recently, the Mafia is a heavy thing, but it is neither the only nor the heaviest.

On 27 January we celebrated Memorial Day, much of what has been said in recent days. Many people have written that one should also remember other genocides. For my part I can say that I remember and I have also written a few words about other people being genocide, and even recently I did. I say this to dispel any suspicions about my possible "special", and especially those that might arise in relation to me is worrying only about what has been combined in the South in my "defense", even though I know you do not n 'is no need, I'll just say that before I mentioned other people and now I'm only talking about mine. There is one thing I do not want to prohibit them from saying, adding that is not an accusation, even though I know this will seem. Many other people do not talk about it officially, there is a day dedicated to their memory, there is no trace in the history books, if not talk about it on TV. But if they talk in certain channels. Although there are few voices that rise and the news remains limited, a word is said. Instead, for the genocide suffered by Duosiciliani, no one spends a word. Yes, there were those who spoke, but rumors are "inside" of the Southern people, Southern people of the South We are the only population for which people from other places, countries and places he never said anything . And then, for the robbers and robber, for those Noble People, for those men and women who fought bravely against the invading aliens and for all victims of genocide perpetrated in what was the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, I readers a minute silence to remember and commemorate.

They were called ... robbers - Beginning with the wonderful singing of Lina Sastri interpretation

They were called ... thieves - Canto 'na ancient history. Lina Sastri

They were called ... robbers - Epilogue with Lina Sastri

Rosa Balistreri Terra ca nun sings feel

Terra ca nun feel - Text and Translation

Etna e Catania

Vigneto in Sicilia,%20eventi%20sagre%20siciliane,%20ricette%20siciliane,%20proverbi%20siciliani,%20cartoline%20della%20sicilia,%20folklore%20siciliano,%20carretti%20siciliani,%20antichi%20mestieri,%20usi%20e%20costumi%20siciliani/foto_carretto_antico.jpg








Documentary - The history of genocide ever told:
first part - second part
- third party
The Martyrdom of the South (Migration, issue of the South, the economic miracle of the north)
The Lager Fenestrelle

Before proceeding, a minute's silence for genocide Duosiciliani.

Brigante if more - Inno dei Briganti
They were called ... robbers - Trailer

A minute of silence for the genocide of Duosiciliani.

Finally, for those wishing to see the film "bandits They were called ..." this is the link of the playlist on youtube (the last video is 13 °).

Adornetto Christmas - Native Siciliano