Monday, March 14, 2011

Brazilian Wax Montreal Cost

To never forget

Errico Orlando

When I took that train was January 23, 2007: a piece of my heart 's I left there to Oświęcim, Poland damn that city renamed Auschwitz by the Nazis and Fascists.

I left while driving on the snowy streets of the camp, among the bare trees and those blocks of bricks that had seemed to be graying and mourning, I left the corridors where There were the faces of all those men skinny and shaved the faces of those women, which plucked off the hair tearing away the dignity and identity. The branded with numbers on a number of naked bodies and bare as those trees. I 've left between the shoes and overalls for children, babies taken away from the arms of their mothers: those little faces burned in the gas chambers.

That piece of my heart I left it in the ovens, where it still felt like I was hearing voices torn and still see that black smoke emitted a strong smell, the smell of bodies burning.

I left in blocks of red brick, between the mattresses on which we lay three or four people. But what people say! The deportees. Prisoners from work exhausted by hunger and inhuman, without any will to survive, were intended to Selektion , or select from the skilled labor and those to be sent immediately to the gas chambers. While visiting this piece of history, in which the human being has reached the lowest points, I cried: I cried for what it was, I cried for what it is. Because I know and I know that the horror did not stop there in those years, but has continued and continues today. The discrimination is religious, ethnic or sexual continues to exist, persecution still exist today.

I left a wet piece of my heart so many tears, but what I brought with me from that experience has an infinite value: the belief of "NEVER AGAIN" and the knowledge that I can contribute in my small to 'slaughter of all forms of discrimination, exploitation and oppression. I learned how important the knowledge of what was to understand what is and what will be built.

This is the "Train of Memory" and I thank the Association of Tierra del Fuego, and through funding Puglia Region and the Province of Lecce, gave an opportunity for me and 10,000 more kids to experience this intense experience that enhances our cultural and our sensibilities.

Unfortunately I heard the news that the Province of Lecce not want to finance the 'initiative this year. I sincerely hope that President Gabellone think again and that form the train and ask him to do this experience together with young people Lecce. In this way we will build a generation aware of and sensitive to these issues so that everyone feels the fundamental social rights holders inviolable, but most of all duties and responsibilities towards the society in which we live.

by Campintesta , February 2011


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