Monday, March 14, 2011

Dita Defensive Sticks

A by the Editorial

fields, it is known, has no particular sporting tradition. Instead, a long administrative tradition almost always distracted towards the sport. Even when, in the nineties, the government recovered Zacheo that "civic" that redesigned the connotations of our city, the sport has always been the great absentee.

Yet the sports fields at any! Not just those of football on Sunday, but also those who practice it daily and sport by sport receive satisfaction.

Among these, without doubt, the young Elisa Giordano, with whom we have had the pleasure to talk of his extraordinary passion for swimming. Elisa, in just eighteen, she attended the High School of the fourth year, but since the age of four years, encouraged by his parents, he begins to get a feel for what was to be become an all-round racing.

After measured in various provincial competitions, fourteen years he participated in his first Regional Championships in swimming, the results are encouraging.

Elisa competitive growth and at sixteen, in March 2009, meet the standards FIN (Italian Swimming Federation) that allow it to qualify for Italian Youth Championships.

His most recent goal is dated February 2010: first place in the regional championships in the category of "50-meter freestyle." Here are his answers significant our questions:

What do you think the merits of your achievements? The constant commitment and humility. Are not overly competitive, I love the sport of swimming beyond my successes. Maybe that's what I charge when I'm in the tub!

What is for you swimming? For me, swimming is a sacrifice. It's commitment that, if done with the heart as I have done all these years, it gives you great satisfaction regardless of the results. I love swimming and the social aspect, that given by the relationship with teammates, My "big family" (the ICOS Sporting Club di Lecce, ed.)

How do you fields for sports? For swimming, of course, nothing, because we do not have facilities to allow their practice, unlike our neighbors as Trepuzzi. For the sport in general, I think there is a lack of dedication to it and in its promotion in the management and care of facilities we have.

plans for the future? Unlike other sports, swimming, already at my age, can no longer aspire to high goals. This, however, does not stop me improve myself every day, always giving me new ideas and set themselves new goals. My dream is to become a swimming instructor, perhaps in a pool managed by me, but the difficulties, unfortunately, are not few. In the meantime I will continue with their studies, then we'll see along the way ...

For our part, as well as Elisa still wish to further success, we hope that the above is a further incentive for our administrators. We hope, in short, that the youth policy and sports do not remain just empty words just to sweeten the election proclamation.

by Campintesta , February 2011


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