Friday, June 6, 2008

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botanical characteristics as the olive tree has a 'very extensive root system, and very superficial, consisting mainly of roots and collated surface that expand laterally in the area of \u200b\u200bintersection between the roots and stem, called the pedal, or stump or log, which is enlarged by easily grow shoots called suckers, and that should be eliminated because they exploit the plant. From pedal spread the trunk, which is gray-green and smooth until about the tenth year of age, after which it becomes more gnarled and twisted with deep ruts, and assumes a dark color. The trunk becomes shorter or longer, depending on the type of farming choice, have been found ultrasecolari plants that have reached considerable size. Are inserted on the trunk branches bearing branches, the shoots that come up these are the branches that grow in the year. The shoots that arise on the back of twigs and branches at right angles, and fast-growing and vigorous, are called suckers, and these should be eliminated as an advantage of the plant. The various branches are born leaves, which are formed by spring autumn and remain viable for up to two years of age, soon after they fall and are replaced by others. The leaf is lanceolate long on average 5 to 8 cm, green at the top, silver-gray at the bottom. Sull'ascella of each leaf, the place of intersection between the branch and the stem of the leaf, is a gem. The olive tree has two types of buds, the bud wood that give rise to a bud, and flower buds, which give rise to an inflorescence. Inflorescence of flowers will be born from this meeting, rather than individual, similar to a small cluster, commonly called "little finger. These flowers are hermaphrodite, that has united the male organs (stamens two) and those female (pistil), the flower is very small (3-5 mm) and its corolla has four petals whitish welded together at the base, the pistil is stocky, short, fitted with a large plumed stigma, rich taste which is well suited to keep out the pollen. The fertilization of the flower is anemophilous, that is by means of wind, even at a considerable distance between the plants. From this arise the various fertilization fruits called "Olive" or "drupe" fruits weigh from 2 to 20 grams and have a color change from green to purple to dark purple depending on the variety of the plant, its form in general and oval and inside consists of three parts: the seed called endocarp woody, and has the shape of the drupe and the mesocarp pulp which is rich in oil, collected in droplets within the cells and finally the skin called skin coloring, which may be more or less thick, and held the position of protection. For each variety followed by a process called veraison where the color changes to a darker olive.
The olives ripen in October (depending on the area in which it is) and are classified into two groups, including: olive oil, olives and sweet or canteen. The olive oil is used for the production of oil as rich in oil, such as Bosana, or the Black Gonnos, Leccino, Frantoio, and so on. Instead, as regards the sweet olives or table, are mainly used for direct feeding, in fact they have little oil content inside, but they have more meat, such as Olia White, Tonda di Cagliari, etc.. An olive tree can produce 30 to 60 pounds to the collection, and the oil yield of 100 kilograms of olive oil is 18-20 pounds depending on the variety. We know oil as you saw in the extra virgin olive oil (acidity -1%), olive oil (acidity +2%), olive pomace oil, oil that is extracted from the rest of the work, to get the oils mentioned before (strong acid).
Olive oil is used mostly in cooking, mainly in the extra virgin and virgin varieties, to dress salads, vegetables can preserve, flavor foods, but also various fried foods. The Mediterranean diet is recommended for its use beneficial skills that he possesses, thanks to the presence of antioxidants, the property is to fight cholesterol. This oil is also used for the production of soap and cosmetics, and a time was used as a drug, and as fuel for oil lamps. So you could say that the oil has always played an important role in the various populations that have known, bringing to mind the taste and smell of the land on which we were born and grew over time, comparing the various techniques to arrive at improved product quality, now internationally known.

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The screw-Description: The root

The root of the screw varies depending on the species and the mode of propagation of the plant (from seed to bud or scion). The rooting depth is limited and is usually between 25-30 cm and 60-80 cm. Also notable is the expansion lateral roots in the vineyards occupy the land around the trunk and between the rows. In a life of 60 years old have been found long roots up to 20 meters!

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The screw-Description: The screw-buds

The buds of vines are divided into: ready, hibernating and dormant.
Ready, the buds are sprouting in the same year of their training.
hibernating, if not in special cases, not in the hatch of their training, but the following year. Latent
, these gems do not even sprout the following year, but only in exceptional cases such as, for example, a strong pruning.

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Description: The vine-leaves

The leaves of the vine are typically webbed, but the shape and size may vary. During the summer there are dull green, sometimes blistering on the upper side, Pelosetta and grayish beneath. The ribs are visible on the upper and recognized in quell'inferiore. Interesting that there is heightened in the lives eterofillia namely the presence of the same plant leaves with different shapes and sizes.

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Description: The flower

The inflorescence is a cluster composed of the screw, inserted on the opposite side of the leaf node. The cluster consists of a central axis called the spine, which is part of the lateral branches, the bunches, leading to the flowers. Each flower is led by a pedicel that grows in the vicinity of the glass. The calyx of the flower has five sepals just mentioned, and the corolla consists of five petals, united at the top to form a sort of hood, the flowerhoods, which falls in the maturation of the flower bloom. E 'at the time of the fall of flowerhoods which become visible five stamens, carrying the pollen and pistil in the center of the flower, shaped like a small flask. It then says that the flower is hermaphrodite, although there are some qualities of vines, divided, flowers with stamens and flowers with pistils.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Ap Biology Essay Genes

Olivo-damaging insects: moth olive (Prays oleae)

The olive moth, a butterfly's wing about 13-15 mm of Operation data, white heron, which has mainly three generations of annual growth, including:
1. Larva of 1st generation
2. Larva 2nd generation;
3. Larva of the 3rd generation
All three generations, respectively attack leaves, flowers and fruits. The larvae mature
are about 8mm long and have a color ranging from green to reddish-brown heron with his head. The first generation
penetrates the flower buds destroying the various reproductive organs, but the 2nd generation larvae, which are the most dangerous attack fruitlets digging up all galleries' endocarp, and also causing the premature fruit drop of the fruit itself, and finally the 3rd generation, where burrow winding tunnels in the leaves, making them dry from the outside, this type of larvae may also enter into the buds, causing the seccume on these. The fight is kind of chemistry and agronomy: the chemicals used are all based on phosphorus, and interventions are carried out mainly larvae in the 2nd generation because other generations do not involve serious damage to ripening, the interventions are made during June and July at the end of the first oviposition and larval penetration of the small fruits. Instead, as regards agricultural techniques are used insects, including, entomophagous predators (Rincoti anthocorid, Diptera and Neuroptera Sylphs Crisopidi) and parasitoids (Hymenoptera Calcidoidei Braconidi and Hymenoptera).

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Olivo-damaging insects: Cochineal half a grain of pepper (Seissetia olea)

This insect is a coccidia and live mostly in olive and citrus fruits in general, but still lives on other trees and herbaceous plants including: oleander, Judas tree, evonimo, mastic, Aral, palms, and pumpkin carduacee spontaneous. The olive tree pests, cover the branches, twigs and underside of leaves where the larvae are located along the main veins. The mealybug causes decay of vegetation, defoliation, dieback of twigs, fruit drop and poor fruit production. The larvae (juvenile stage of cochineal) is yellowish, and become darker during development.
The male is winged and rarely appears, the adult female, measuring about 5 mm and its body is completely covered by a convex shield of wax (in which eggs develop) with a drawn on H. The abundant sugary excrement produced by females and cause asphyxiation create various burns (lens effect), they also a strong reminder of food for ants.
Development Scale is favored in years with mild autumn and winter and summer not too hot and humid. Combating this is very harmful Rincote agronomic but also chemical.
The chemical method provides an action threshold equal to 5.2 nymphs per leaf, or even a female for every 10 cm of each branch. If you exceed the threshold, you are working with organo-phosphate and white oils (avoiding the use of the first for the high toxicity towards the insect fauna is also very useful, we prefer the latter for the opposite reason). The fight agricultural uses vigorous pruning and nitrogen fertilization rates.

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Olivo-damaging insects: fly (Dacus oleae)

The Dacus oleae is the most important pest of olive trees it has spread to all the Italian olive groves. The larva of the olive fly is about 8 mm, has an apparatus consisting of two chewing mandibles black, hooked, clearly visible to the naked eye, is yellowish and is thinner towards the cephalic end. The adult insect looks like a fly small (4-5 mm) with a wingspan of 10-12 mm. Presents tan head with greenish eyes. The body is gray and the wings are transparent, with two small dark spots at the ends. The power of this dipteran, in the larval state, is the fruit pulp, which digs galleries, and in the case of high humidity drupes buggy are invaded by microorganisms that cause decay resulting in fruit drop, but when it becomes adult feeds on the juices which come out of different parts of the green olive tree, with its typically sharp-sucking mouthparts. The olive fly is one of the main carriers of the wart olives.
The struggle for this insect is of chemical type and follows the criteria of pest management and intrgrata; it is carried out with treatment to overcome the threshold, which was estimated to about 6-8% of infested drupes. The products used are organo-phosphate for example, diazinon, dimethoate and so on. But the fight against the olive fly can also be of agronomic with the use of poison traps. Recall that the olive fly is affected much of alternating temperature that she becomes a limiting factor: in fact the flight activity begins when the temperature exceeds 14-18 ° C and stops when the temperature exceeds 31-33 ° C, in addition the succession of summer days characterized by high temperatures greater then 30 ° C, with low humidity and no rain causing high mortality of eggs and larvae inside the fruit. The survey of adults is done with traps thermotropic, food (poison before the start of oviposition) and sexual (installed in late June, 2.3 per hectare), but the damage threshold can be established with the collection of a certain number of drupes collected at random from a certain number of plants, and examine the various drupes, establishing the degree and the percentage of damage, for example in 100 drupem 20 drupes were attacked, the degree of damage and 20%.

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The Olivo-diseases: Mange Olive (Pseudomonas savastanoi )

the itch of the olive, is a major bacterial diseases known.
Attacks branches, leaves, roots on which the damage is more significant than on other plant parts, stem and fruits, which occur with tubercles on the cracked, brown and hard due to holes produced by adversity, or from infections trauma.
The spring rainfall accompanied by high temperatures, myths promote the activity of the pathogen. The damage is caused by the removal of plastic with a consequent reduction in their production as much as 30%. A consequence of this attack has also noted a deterioration in the quality of olives and olive oil. The fight against the scab of the oil is only preventive cultivation and uses the following precautions: Rimonda pruning and destruction of infected branches, not the product is collected by beating down, protection and disinfection of wounds.

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The olive-Disease: Leprosy olives (Gleosporium Olivarum)

Leprosy olives is another fungal disease and occurs mainly in autumn when the rains begin.
This disease affects the fruits in the process of maturation and are formed of large spots, roundish, wrinkled, dark blackish. The olives fall on the ground or hit, however, provide a poor quality oil (reddish, turbid and acid). The disease can also affect the young branches and leaves on which are formed yellowish spots that later turn a brown, dry up and fall off the affected leaves. The fight that we can do is preventive, agronomically is a chemical. The fight takes place in autumn with chemical treatments based on copper products, rather than agricultural, you are providing a good drainage system to remove excess water vavorendo growth of the pathogen, or clipping the hair in order to avoid the formation of a humid microclimate, which would favor the pathogen.

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The olive-diseases: Eye of the Peacock (Cycloconium oleaginum)

Peacock's eye is one of the most important and damaging diseases of fungal origin, which attack the olive tree. In fact, mainly affects the leaves but the branches do not spare them the fruits. Occurs on the leaves with roundish spots of 10 mm made of circles ranging from yellow to brown. Symptoms on fruits are rather less dangerous, and occur as small black specks and hollow point, but the branches are attached only on the grass and the symptoms appear similar to those of the leaves.
The fight is chemical, and intervene with a treatment from February to March and one in October based on 0 Bordeaux mixture of copper hydroxide.

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The Sughera

classification, origin and spread
Division: Spermatophyta
Subdivision: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledones
Family: Fagaceae
The cork or cork oak is native to Mediterranean basin. In Italy there are cork in Sicily, Lazio and southern Tuscany, and especially in Sardinia.

Size and Habit: evergreen oak that can reach 20 meters in height, with hair color greyish-green. CortecciaIl trunk and trunk quickly becomes sinuous and take on a very characteristic bark, several centimeters thick, grayish, which comes off easily in large heavy blocks. Each posting is a new skin below shows a reddish-brown, often almost reddish. Semipersistenti leaves, simple leaf coriacea (such as holm oak), ovoid, with margins toothed and spiny. Structures riproduttivePianta monoecious unisexual flowers, acorns are 2-3 cm long egg-shaped dome and with scales in relief.

Uses The bark of the cork (which comes off easily in large blocks) is used for making corks and as insulating material in buildings.

It 's a plant tissue composed of dead microcells, generally 14 to form multi-faceted sides, leaning against each other and the intercellular spaces. completely filled with a gaseous mixture almost identical to that of air. The parenchyma cork is very homogeneous, because virtually no cellular membranes is that without an opening. While adhering to the cork tree is made up of dead cells. The cork cells has a minimal amount of solids and a maximum of gas, mainly air atmosphere, but without the carbon dioxide. The layers are intercellular in number 5: two are in the pulp and the rooms are of cellular air-filled, two others on hard and waterproof (suberin and wax), the fifth is woody, and gives structure and rigidity. To get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe size of the cork cells, is sufficient to recall that a cubic centimeter of corky parenchyma contains about 40 million. They are usually hexagonal and their form is that of an irregular 14-sided solid. The diameter is uneven and varies from 10 to 50 micron, predominantly those which have a diameter between 30 and 40 microns. This inequality in both the thickness and diameter in size which is the parenchyma cell corky, interferes on some mechanical and physical properties of cork, especially on the compressibility and elasticity. In 1942 all the chemical elements that make up the cork is extracted because more and more used in the composition is: 45% suberin, 27% of lignin, cellulose and polizuccherine 12%, 6% of tannin, 5% cereoleina , 5% ash and other goods. The cork is saponified by strong alkali and nitrous disrupted by the acid and the halogens.
F. Piras, Temple and Calangianus economy subericola Sardinian
unparalleled gift of the earth, whose protective presence and generating a traditional economic miracle. Ancient tree, which holds the memory of men and witness their work, its shadow extends places on the landscape immutable participant in the movements that accompany the silent harmony of more gentle slopes, plains, which offer the most isolated in the sun of the South
Therein lies his greatness. Everything in Red is total utility, unique, creative, and it thus contributes to the history of everyday objects. For this reason it is a tree that participates in the history of a territory that extends from the southwestern tip of Europe, beyond leaving for distant places, the ambassador of an antique, old, now needed to develop difficult and demanding art . Everything is continuing in a unique and singular work: the cork. This requires a knowledge of techniques and experience deeply rooted in the memory of the Sardinian north-east, as the collection, preparation and processing of the cork.
ngianus know ee is a rare, sharp and exciting, for the manner in which remains and in the life of entire generations who have learned to appreciate, to touch the earth, the taste of a relationship of respect and companionship
The surface of the world's cork oak is estimated to be 2, 2 million hectares. The cork oak grows in sandy soils that have a minimum decalcified, nitrogen and phosphorus, but rich in potash with a pH between 5 and 6%. The ideal level of precipitation is 400 to 800 mm, the temperature must never be less than 5 ° C. altitude should be between 600 and 800 meters.
the trunk of the tree.
E 'from the cork which provides vital economic activity, with multiple applications, industries and diversified production activities. It gives its name to the parenchyma of cork corky, that the bark of the cork oak, a tree of the family fagacee characteristic of the western Mediterranean region. The cork oak grows in the western Mediterranean basin and in North Africa (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia), in southern France (including Corsica), Italy (Sardinia, Sicily and Tuscany) Spain and Portugal.
All these conditions are met, to different degrees on a narrow strip of the western Mediterranean coast. The oak tree is a tree that goes back to 'was higher, namely the Oligocene, namely the establishment of the great Mediterranean basin. Exists, according to some, more than 60 million years, representing the European flora from that geological period. E 'likely that its spread has been the center of the region currently covered by the Tyrrhenian Sea and that migration has been made through the Cordillera, in the Miocene, joined the land now underwater in the Aegean Sea to the Iberian Peninsula. As mentioned above, the oak is a plant of the family Fagacee, they belong to plant some trees such as chestnut and beech. Within this family, it is part of the genus Quercus, which includes more than 600 species, of which the oak is the type species and has a great economic interest. The most important among them is the oak suber, which alone produces cork, as no other plant produces a twist so big and so strong.

DEFOLIATION the Lepidoptera.
The Lepidoptera defoliators feed on green parts of the plant and are a serious problem especially in periods when infestations reach significant size. The loss of the leaves results in a reduction of the photosynthetic resulting in alteration of normal physiological conditions. Attacks of severe intensity that are repeated over several years can affect the growth of young plants, adult plants usually react more easily by issuing of new leaves during the growing season and gradually restoring its functionality. The cases of the outbreak of these insects are due mainly to a number of factors that affect survival of populations and consequently the frequency of infestation (eg, climate, disease, lack of predators, etc.). The studies made so far have permission to sample the cork in the presence of more than 300 species of insects, of which about 34 related tightly to the cork oak. The species that are of particular importance phytopathology are essentially the Lymantria dispar L. (Limantride), the Malacosoma Neustria L. (Lasiocampide), the Tortrix viridana L. (Tortricide) el'Euproctis chrysorrhoea L. (Crisorrea). The damage caused by these species can lead to complete defoliation of entire forest. The Limantria Bombich and gallons are the only species of butterflies found in Sardinia able to determine, for intervelli time more or less regular, intense and extensive defoliation. The Lepidoptera defoliators are not harmful to human health and the possible use of chemicals must be assessed with caution, as it may interfere on the existing ecological balance, destroying not only the butterflies but also much dell'entomofauna forest. Environmentally sound techniques and balance of forests, such as biological control, microbiology and biotechnology, using bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa and nematodes, some of which are reproduced in the laboratory, have proved useful in solving the problem. Currently in Italy, only in the forests, it is permitted to use any formula based on the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis that helps to make a targeted selection is not very harmful to the so-called beneficial insects.