Wednesday, February 9, 2011

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The Berlusconi has thrown the last mask

Berlusconism is in an advanced state of autodisfacimento. The blanket that held him together is now torn in several places and could seriously tearing along a large part of Italian society. The Berlusconi is in fact a political-cultural-business, in which these issues are related to each other and function. The time has once again been honest and Berlusconi, for years challenged the facts, he could no longer hide his face. Parliament, blackmailed and deprived of its most noble function, had to deal almost exclusively to ratify laws, made in other contexts, they had the sole purpose of putting some away from his legal problems inspiration (while virtually all categories face serious social difficulties). To do this, a deal villain, but obviously indispensable, was close with the League that beyond proclamations, meant to leave the southern Italy, after the same had been decisive, however, in light of national solidarity to achieve its high standards of welfare and infrastructure. Eloquent examples are the use of funds transferred to the south to buy ferry boats to Lake Garda or to pay fines of milk quotas. Berlusconi is also the worship of the image, at all costs, it is barbarism of communication, is thought of commodification and the mercenary, the hallway to the girls who would not marry wealthy gentlemen! It is demeaning of women to a mere object of pleasure. It is also the culture of blackmail attempt against the Catholic Church with the investigation Boffo and gay priests, the idea behind these mass media campaigns is that if everyone is guilty, then no one can stand as a moral judge. Who allowed this to spread unimpeded, however, in Italian society was primarily a weak Parliament as blackmail. Blackmail because the candidates are chosen by party secretaries and not by the citizens (who have had to resign in a sterile symbol rate), and 88 for ladies are involved in trouble with the law (of which 25 convicted), this is a rate of more than 9% of all parliamentarians. But in Italian society is not, fortunately, such a high percentage of dishonest people (other than representation). The Berlusconi could end up with a movement of social rejection and for a strong and authoritative parliamentary opposition. Instead it is finished because it is imploded. Tests are the inexorable decline of his consent and tearing of Fini with the birth of the new party "Freedom and Future." The Government and its majority now are governed primarily by the aforementioned agreement with the League, more and more essential and decisive. This, among other things, continues to allow that at the time of this writing, have gone 139 days without a "Minister for Economic Development," in the middle of one of the most serious economic crisis since the war and with an interim body with a conflict of interest that would be really embarrassing (the media fall into this ministry ...). So if Berlusconi will also fall under this covenant, in Italy there will be plenty to gain. Federalism which supports the League in fact, is clearly a negative value, said Cardinal Bagnasco, not bringing the nation toward greater unity, but to its disintegration. The hope is that eventually exceeded the logic of power and blackmail, and politics is really lived as a service, a program of things to do for the citizens. In 1958 Don Sturzo so he addressed his friends: "Only the brave, pure, unselfish, fighting openly for freedom and morality is reserved for the future (...). Must know how to defend the right of honest and democratic means to achieve compliance, we must seek harmony with the spirits of those who have proven in the past and present to be with clean hands, and want only the good of the people in freedom, law in administrative and political righteousness, to get the necessary consents. We need a country that no longer has need of heroes who were murdered simply because they wanted the common good. Heroes like Renata Fonte (Councillor Nardò killed for opposing the overbuilding of Porto Selvaggio) Angelo Vassallo and as mayor of Pollica. One risk is that, since reality is so impaired, people prefer the reassuring story that it is administered by the trust TG. He feels the refurbished historical relevance of the appeal of Don Sturzo "all free men and strong, that in this grave hour high feel the duty to cooperate in the supreme of the country, without prejudice or bias, we call it joined together advocate in their entirety the ideals of justice and freedom 'to those who, today, we might add, are found in the values \u200b\u200bof our Constitution to achieve their potential in a mature democracy and, finally, in a normal country.

Fabrizio Chiriatti

by Campintesta , November 2010


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