Wednesday, February 9, 2011

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Council. Meeting with Tania Soon, Councillor SEL

We met Tania Preste , city councilor was elected SinistraEcologiaLibertà Campintesta. We have addressed three questions that can summarize his political experience.

1. E 'spent over a year since the last local elections SEL which led to an important result: your election as alderman. Even if you have traveled in the past, always following the political path, but this is your first institutional experience. You could take stock of this new adventure lived inside?
track budgets is never easy, especially when the feelings and considerations often differ in terms of positive or negative evaluation. In fact, while this is the positive side, the institutional mechanisms to be internal forces me to confront issues unknown to me, to recognize the existence of constraints (mostly economic in nature) that limit the administrative action and, therefore, to speculate more concrete for a different policy fields, and second, I can see that, despite the attempt to always be proactive and use the maximum institutional gracefully, suggestions and comments which I speak are faced with a political culture who increasingly loses its democratic connotations. The vote, in our country is exchanged for a warrant for the white majority ...

2. The list "Campintesta" of which you were the candidate for mayor, has presented the public with an adjective clear simple and direct: NEW, because you were all the faces and "heads" on the new politics of the country. What were your proposals brought to the Board City? And what results have you had?
Our origin policy, our different paths had a common denominator: the idea of \u200b\u200bpolitics as a tool to enhance the rights of citizenship and as a means of emancipation from want and precarious existence, that you must add our desire to fielding a new ethics policy. Reasons why we proposed the establishment of registers for civil unions and living wills, employment guarantees for workers asked the nursery. In terms of the moralization of politics, we called for the establishment of the Registry of elected public (where there are initiatives and income, monetary or otherwise, of policy) and we requested clarification regarding the management of the Foundation "City of the book." Wins can not register ... The climate that reigns in the classroom right to counsel has wrecked any proposal advanced progressive, while the public register of the elect is blocked at the council committee for months now ...

3. Looking at the national situation one has the impression that the greatest strength of the center-left Democratic Party, has not yet taken a unique path with respect to many important issues: bioethics, political, labor, environment ... The new party Vendola, SinistraEcologiaLibertà, seems to be clear not only the path but also an objective. What is the relationship between the two parties at the local level?
Despite the statements of various leaders of the Democratic Party about the need for dialogue and cooperation between the forces left the city, the policy pursued by their party and the administration which, lest we forget, is headed by one of its members, the proof of facts, proves to be totally closed to our demands and unable to understand the desire for renewal that Campintesta, but also represent SEL. Any attempt to dialogue with us that takes the form of proposals for appointments and policies is bound to fail.

by Campintesta , November 2010


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