Monday, March 14, 2011

Can Olive Oil Be Substituted For Shortening

d the Tania Preste

Keeping campaign promises is always difficult, especially when they involve a real change in practice and especially of public ethics.

Given this brief introduction, no wonder the deafening silence of the administration on two key campaign: "transparency" and "participation". The famous "thematic consultations" after a poster that announced the imminent launch, ended in nothing: it still decides to establish a mystery.

The issue of transparency, then, still echoes on the walls of the country shameful exchange of accusations between the current majority and those who have managed over the past 10 years.

On May 17, 2010 and SEL Campintesta submitted a motion to establish at the Fields of the elected public registry, the first act of the new regional government of Apulia. Making public acts, proposals and compensation, monetary or otherwise, of those sitting in council, is a good way to get transparency for citizens, beyond the slogans, to see if and when the policy is intertwined with the " business " and how the elected majority and minority, carry out the demands of the community.

Well, since our proposal lies in the First Council Commission, which within six months would have to check the legal legitimacy and make it operational!

Once again we can not see how the desire for change expressed by the citizenship policy has responded by giving the worst of themselves .

by Campintesta , February 2011


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